Featured image credit: Mojang
Polished granite is one of the many types of stone bricks you can find in Minecraft.
Not only is granite quick and easy to acquire, but it can also make various building blocks, such as a polished version with a nice smooth texture.
In this Minecraft tutorial, you can see everything you need to know to make your builds pop using polished granite blocks in Minecraft.
Below you can see the difference between polished and regular granite:
(Image credit: Mojang)
Also, check out the article What does a Stonecutter do in Minecraft?
How to Obtain Granite
Like andesite and other stone blocks, you can acquire granite in three ways: mining, crafting, and trading with a villager.
When mining granite, you can find granite blocks between Y-levels 0 – 128 in blobs of 0 – 862 blocks per vein.
However, it is best to mine between Y-levels 0 – 60.
(Image credit: Mojang)
Maybe you don’t want to go mining for granite and prefer to craft it in your home. To create one granite, you can combine one nether quartz and one diorite block in your crafting table.
(Image credit: Mojang)
The final way to get your hands on granite is by trading with a Journeyman-level stonemason villager. They have a 2/7 chance to trade four granite for one emerald.
How to Make Polished Granite
Now that you have granite, it is time to polish it so you can use it in your wonderful builds. Follow the below recipe to make polished granite.
- Open your inventory’s crafting grid or a crafting table.
- Place four granite in a square in the crafting section.
- Take the four polished granite and place it in your inventory.
(Image credit: Mojang)
You can also create polished granite in a stonecutter, with one granite equaling one polished granite.
What Can You Use Polished Granite For?
You can use polished granite to make two additional building blocks: granite slabs and stairs.
Polished Granite Stairs
How to make polished granite stairs in Minecraft.
- Open your crafting table.
- Place six polished granite in the crafting slots, as shown below.
- Take the four polished granite stairs and place them into your inventory.
(Image credit: Mojang)
Similarly, you can create regular granite stairs by placing granite in the crafting grid, like so:
(Image credit: Mojang)
Polished Granite Slabs
You can also use polished granite to make a polished granite slab.
- Open your crafting table.
- Place three polished granite horizontally in the crafting slots.
- Take the six polished granite slabs and place them in your inventory.
You can create both polished granite slabs and stairs with a stone cutter for better control over how many you make.
(Image credit: Mojang)
And again, you can create granite slabs by placing regular granite in the crafting grid, like so:
This content was first published on GameDaft.com
(Image credit: Mojang)
How to Make Granite Walls
The final block that you can use granite to create is granite walls, which mobs cannot jump.
- Open your crafting table.
- Place six granite in the bottom six crafting slots.
- Take the six granite walls and place them in your inventory.
(Image credit: Mojang)
You can also make granite walls in a stonecutter with one granite making one granite wall.
Notice that you can’t make polished granite stairs. Maybe a future update will add this.
What Can Break Granite?
Any pickaxe can break granite and will drop itself when broken. If you use your fists to break it, nothing will drop. A wooden pickaxe will take 1.15 seconds to break granite, with gold being the fastest at 0.2 seconds.
What Blocks Go Well With Granite?
You can pair polished granite with various blocks to create beautiful, eye-catching builds. Here are some of the best to use with polished granite.
- Amethyst
- Stone brick
- Mossy stone variants
- Brick
- Polished Andesite
- Spruce planks
- Acacia planks
- Red Nether Brick
If you want to explore block palettes to find the best one for your build, check out Block Palette’s website.
How to Make Polished Deepslate
Polished deepslate can look great when combined with the reddish hue of polished granite. While it is a newer block in Minecraft, it has become a favorite among many Minecraft builders.
- Open your crafting table or inventory’s crafting grid.
- Place four deepslate in a square.
- Take the four polished deepslate and put them into your inventory.
(Image credit: Mojang)
Notice that you can only make polished deepslate from cobbled deepslate, not regular deepslate. So if you want to make polished deepslate, ensure you are not using a Silk Touch tool.
How to Make Smooth Stone
Smooth stone is a solid building block, though regular stone can look ugly when not appropriately matched with other blocks.
Follow the step-by-step instructions below to create smooth stone.
- Smelt cobblestone in a furnace to create stone.
- Take the stone and place it back into the furnace. The stone will smelt into smooth stone.
- Place the smooth stone into your inventory.
(Image credit: Mojang)
(Image credit: Mojang)
Smooth stone is best used in moderation when building and looks great when paired with polished deepslate or granite.
Polished Granite Item ID
If you tire of mining, you can always use the /give command and cheat.
In Java Edition you can write /give @p polished_granite 1 to give polished granite to yourself.
In Bedrock Edition you can use /give @p stone 1 2
Minecraft players looking for a sturdy building block in survival mode will do well with polished granite. It is a great block choice when contrasting with other stone variants.
If you enjoyed this article, check out how to find Netherite fast to combine it in a build with polished granite.
Until next time, happy gaming!
Jan has played video games since the early 1980s. He loves getting immersed in video games as a way to take his mind off stuff when the outside world gets too scary. A lifelong gamer, the big interest led to a job as a lecturer on game sound at the University of Copenhagen and several written articles on video games for magazines.