What Does Dog Water Mean in Fortnite?

What Does Dog Water Mean in Fortnite? / Featured Image

If you play Fortnite or know someone who does, you have likely heard the phrase “dog water” thrown about at least once.  It’s a weird phrase to hear in a video game, so, unsurprisingly, gamers wonder: what does dog mean in Fortnite, exactly? When someone says you are dog water while playing Fortnite it is … Continue Reading

How to Change Your Fortnite Name

How to Change Your Fortnite Name / Featured Image.

Over time, every gamer wants to change their in-game name at least once, and Fortnite players are no different.  Maybe you were just trying out the game and found out you enjoyed it, and now you want a cool name. Or perhaps you made your gamertag years ago, and it no longer reflects who you … Continue Reading

How to Reduce Ping in Fortnite

How to reduce Ping in Fortnite

Fortnite has been one of the most popular games for a long time. It has become such a popular gaming experience because it appeals to the masses, not least because of crossplay features in the game. Whether you’re a casual Fortnite player or trying to play competitively, having a good connection will be important. Internet … Continue Reading